#76 2005-02-24 17:44:30

Артём Васильев
Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 157

Re: Итак Millenial Awards 2005 - номинация лучшим сайтам о Евровидении

Да, ссылку я выслал в ответ на его междометия. Надеюсь, одумается мальчик. smile


#77 2005-02-25 06:19:33

Из Иркутск, Россия
Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 9,016

Re: Итак Millenial Awards 2005 - номинация лучшим сайтам о Евровидении

Ну чего мне писать с моим английским? I am table? Why I am not in a final of Millenial Awards?

Напишите кто-нибудь за меня или дайте e-mail его.


#78 2005-02-25 07:28:22

Из Иркутск, Россия
Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 9,016

Re: Итак Millenial Awards 2005 - номинация лучшим сайтам о Евровидении

Блин. Написал на их мэйл, который на сайте написан. На ужасном английском сказал, что вот он я. Почему я не финале, какой мой результат. И что ойкотаймс дебильный сайт доисторический, поэтому в новичках быть не могет...


#79 2005-02-25 08:41:59

Артём Васильев
Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 157

Re: Итак Millenial Awards 2005 - номинация лучшим сайтам о Евровидении

Забавен Ромка. smile


#80 2005-03-29 08:15:44

Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 37,723

Re: Итак Millenial Awards 2005 - номинация лучшим сайтам о Евровидении

Напомню, что проголосовать вы можете до 4го апреля.
Прямая ссылочка:


#81 2005-04-18 09:42:04

Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 37,723

Re: Итак Millenial Awards 2005 - номинация лучшим сайтам о Евровидении

Да, слабенько...


#82 2005-04-19 13:46:43

Из Иркутск, Россия
Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 9,016

Re: Итак Millenial Awards 2005 - номинация лучшим сайтам о Евровидении

Отстой, а не премия. Сплошной эсктудэй.


#83 2005-04-28 04:51:15

Из Иркутск, Россия
Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 9,016

Re: Итак Millenial Awards 2005 - номинация лучшим сайтам о Евровидении

Вот и сами ойкотаймс раскрылись... Ага, как же новый они сайт:

Subject We celebrate our 4th Anniversary

The Greek based Eurovision website celebrates its birthday. Four years now we exist online in the internet community. We like to express our thanks to everyone that keeps visiting this website. During the four years oikotimes had some great moments.

Oikotimes.com covered many news given especially from our editors and partners. The co ordination of this job would not be possible if those people did not believed in our love for Eurovision Song Contest. We also had many exclusivities to present to you and many times people discovered news first on oikotimes.com. We also cover rumors about the contest something that is widely discussed around the web as a negative aspect of this website.

What we do the past four years is to express our love and energy about Eurovision Song Contest. In no way we claim that we are professionals or journalists. We never consider ourselves as top in the section of webmastering. Oikotimes is created to bring joy primarily to us. This joy oftens goes to you by reading our news, or winning our prizes.

We try to be interactive. The past few months oikotimes.com engaged many ways of interactivity. The oikotimes.com forum was a great success with more than 1470 registered members. We are giving multimedia (video and audio) and many interviews from artists in order to get to know them better, after all their are your idols. You give away prizes. On the oikotimes forum each week a registred member wins a Greek music CD from various Greek artists each time. Nowadays during the high Eurovision season, many record labels and Eurovision participants trusted us to give away their CDs to you.

We also had our bad moments. We had to let people go from our team and let some other to join us. Many times we cannot answer the hundreds of emails we receive. Many times we can serve your requests through emails and we would like first to apologize and second to promise you to be there for you more in the future.

We also had rewards for our work. Oikotimes.com begin in 2001 with few visitors reaching in 2003 more than 3,5 million visits that year. In 2005 we had more than 1,6 million visits and more than 18 million hits. This is also recognized by the 3 month report of Amazon.com which brought us second in European level among the Eurovision websites ranked as website number 162.923 on the web community. This is the best present for our anniversary.

We know there are people who want to join our team and work with us and we examine ach case in order to make the best adaptation for our team. We have to remind you that we are not an organized fan club. We are not and we try not to be the "CNN" of Eurovision community. We are a fan website with our mistakes and our defects. Forgive us for the fuzzy headlines and the breaking news, but we love to do that. Try not to judge us but to join our passion, after all oikotimes is the place where eurovision should be passion.

Miss Evaggelia Diapouli

International Relations


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