#301 2009-01-14 22:49:25

Из Россия, Москва
Зарегистрирован: 2009-01-14
Сообщений: 1,208

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

[quote ArtSlnv][quote ivank]чем-то эта Dum Tek Tek мне напоминает прошлогоднюю песню Армении Qele, Qele

Qele, Qele в разы лучше, чем нынешняя песня Турции ИМХО!!!!!!!!



#302 2009-01-20 11:55:08

Зарегистрирован: 2008-07-16
Сообщений: 342

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

В Турции опять выскочил вопрос спонсорства Хадисе. Прочитал статейку в газете Zaman, там говорится что требуется 150 тыс зелённых для её промо туров и снятия клипа. ТРТ не в силах платить такие деньги из за финансового кризиса.



#303 2009-01-20 12:04:01

Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 37,723

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

Это опять одна и та же утка, которая везде перепубликовывается...


#304 2009-01-20 17:50:28

Зарегистрирован: 2008-07-16
Сообщений: 342

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

Статейку прочитал там говорится что Хадисе владеет 5 языками и теперь собирается учить китайский, прикольно ващее..)) И ещё группа Мор ве Отеси и Кенан Догулу обещали всячески поддержать её и заявили что она самый подходящий исполнитель для участия в конкурсе от Турции.



#305 2009-01-20 17:53:05

Зарегистрирован: 2008-02-28
Сообщений: 9,265

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

[quote EuroFestAZE]Статейку прочитал там говорится что Хадисе владеет 5 языками и теперь собирается учить китайский, прикольно ващее..))

И какими же? Ну кроме английского и турецкого.
Лучше бы русский начала учить. smile Он ей в ближайшем будущем пригодится. smile))


#306 2009-01-20 18:12:32

Зарегистрирован: 2008-07-16
Сообщений: 342

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

Голландский, французско-бельгийский, немецкий))



#307 2009-01-20 18:15:12

Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 497

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

а какой такой язык бельгийский, интересно?????:-))))))


#308 2009-01-20 18:18:27

Из Феодосия
Зарегистрирован: 2008-02-21
Сообщений: 1,337

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

Та классная у турции песня, пока лучшая из того что есть и место не ниже прошлогоднего займет:))



#309 2009-01-20 18:25:42

Из Москвы
Зарегистрирован: 2008-03-26
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Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

Согласен, Турция пока что лучшая! Но впереди, куча стран с песнями...))



#310 2009-01-20 18:28:46

Зарегистрирован: 2008-02-28
Сообщений: 9,265

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

[quote EuroFestAZE]Голландский, бельгийский, немецкий))

Бельгийский???? о_О Может диалект какой то?


#311 2009-01-20 19:48:49

Зарегистрирован: 2008-07-16
Сообщений: 342

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

У бельгийцев с языками туго ваще.. Бельгийский язык, имеется  ввиду смешение фламандского и валлонского языка, это почти французский, но отличается в какой то мере и ещё плюс диалект.



#312 2009-01-21 00:30:44

Зарегистрирован: 2006-12-05
Сообщений: 3,017

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

Все уже помотрели видеоинтервью Хадисе? Я вот только вчера. Девушка производит исключительно положительное впечатление и выглядит намного симпатичнее, чем та папаризоподобная кукла с презентации песни.



#313 2009-01-21 12:56:02

Зарегистрирован: 2008-07-16
Сообщений: 342

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

[quote Ingvaar]Все уже помотрели видеоинтервью Хадисе? Я вот только вчера. Девушка производит исключительно положительное впечатление и выглядит намного симпатичнее, чем та папаризоподобная кукла с презентации песни.

Да смотрел, ну вроде бы никаких таких сверх изменений я не увидел..



#314 2009-01-24 09:05:35

Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 37,723

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

Вчерашнее выступление Хадисе

Ни у кого нет желания написать ее биографию для сайта? (Википедию не использовать). Также нужны биографии Руваса и Де Топперс. Мне убийственно не охота их писать...


#315 2009-01-24 11:58:20

Зарегистрирован: 2008-07-16
Сообщений: 342

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

Я выкладывал её биографию на 7-ой странице. На всякий случай вот ещё...

Хадисе Ачикгёз (Hadise Acıkgoz)родилась 22 октября в 1985 г. в Бельгии, куда ее семья перебралась в 70-х годах из турецкого города Сивас. С детства любила петь. После получения образования по направлению "Экономика и современные языки" решила посвятить себя музыке, бывшей ее самой большой страстью. Семья разделила ее желание и оказала поддержку. В 2003 г. Хадисе присоединилась к бельгийской "Фабрике звезд", состязанию "Idool". Была одной из десяти участников, вышедших в финал, и, хотя не заняла первого места, была замечена продюсерами. Фирма "2Brains" предложила ей записать альбом.
Музыку, делаемую ею, сама она характеризует как urban pop. Среди ее кумиров Christina Aguilera и Beyoncе, но в то же время отмечает, что на ее творчество оказали влияние такие личности как Prince, Janet Jackson, Tina Turner, Alicia Keys, Toni Braxton. Ее самая большая мечта познакомиться с Тиной Тернер и спеть вместе с ней. Из турецких исполнителей называет Таркана, говорит, что было бы здорово спеть с ним дуэтом.
Получающая маркетинговое образование в Хасселте и говорящая на пяти языках (Фламандский, Французский, Английский, Немецкий, Турецкий), в ближайшем будущем собирающееся и Китайский язык подучить, Хадисе большую часть свободного времени уделяет музыке, пишет музыку, стихи, проводит время в студии и готовится к концертам. Чтобы оставаться в форме занимается гимнастикой, любит проводить время с друзьями и семьей.
Первый сингл Хадисе, ставящей своей целью собрав воедино рок, соул и музыку из различных уголков мира заставить ее звучать по-своему, носит название "Sweat" и включает в себя 3 версии композиции. Завоевывший ей еще большую аудиторию почитателей следующий сингл "Stir Me Up", состоящий из 5-ти версий композиции, выходит летом 2005 г., как и одноименный клип.

Последний сингл Хадисе "Ain't No Love Lost" представляется на суд публики зимой 2006 г. Также включает в себя турецкую версию "Burdayım" вышеуказанной композиции. Клип на эту песню был снят в Тайланде. Кроме Бельгии Хадисе даёт концерты в таких странах, как Франция, Голландия, Польша, Германия и даже Индия.

Альбом "Sweat", в который вошли сразу 3 сингла:
1 - Ain't No Love Lost
2 - Bad Boy
3 - Milk Chocolate Girl
4 - Never Trust A Man
5 - Sakin Gitme
6 - Stir Me Up (After Party Remix)
7 - Stir me Up (Remix by Dj Toprak)
8 - Stir Me Up
9 - Sweat
10 - When Ya Breathing On Me
11 - Who Do You Believe

Альбом Deli Oğlan (2008):

1 - A Good Kiss (Radio Edit)
2 - A Song for My Mother
3 - All Together
4 - Askkolik (Radio Edit)
5 - Busy Bee (Radio Edit)
6 - Comfort Zone
7 - Creep
8 - Deli Oglan (Radio Edit)
9 - Dont Ask
10 - Good Morning Baby
11 - Intimate
12 - Intro Hadise (Radio Edit)
13 - Men Chase Women Choose
14 - My Body (Radio Edit)
15 - My Man and the Devil On His Shoul
16 - Prisoner
17 - Who Am I



#316 2009-01-24 11:59:38

Зарегистрирован: 2008-07-16
Сообщений: 342

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

Постараюсь ещё что то нарыть в турецких сайтах=)



#317 2009-01-24 12:35:20

Зарегистрирован: 2008-07-16
Сообщений: 342

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

Вроде бы всё...



#318 2009-01-24 14:18:13

Зарегистрирован: 2008-07-16
Сообщений: 342

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

А вот и английская версия:

- Name: Hadise Acikgoz.
- Meaning name: 'A story' or 'to tell'.
- Date of birth : 22 October 1985. (Now: 22 years old.)
- Family: Mother Gulnihan Canol (1956), father, 2 sisters (Hulya (1984), Derya (1988)), 1 brother (Murat (1990)).
- Roots: Sivas, Turkey.
- Examples: Christina Aguilera, Mariah Carey, Brandy, Beyonce. (But also Prince, Janet Jackson, Tina Turner, Alicia Keys, Toni Braxton, Jamiroquai, U2, and classic, rock-, soul- and global music are not a strange thing for her, mostly because her cultural influences.)
- Linguistic: Dutch, English, French, Turkish, German.
- Hijab: No. (Unless: continue reading at 'Ramadan'.)
- Ramadan: Yes. Reason: To understand how poor people feel if they have no food. "Only by experiencing this ourselves, you really understand them. I do it therefore not because I have to, but because I feel something with it. And if I read the Koran during the Ramadan, or shortly after my examinations, then I carry a Hijab. That is obliged."
- Free Time: Mainly dominated by music: writing lyrics, developping melodies, studio work, going to concerts, sociably go out, sport and have a lot of fun with her 2 sisters, her brother and her mother (with whom she lives together).
- Tattoos: Yes. A Celtic sign called 'Sister Love' at her wrist. It represents the 3 stages of a woman (girl, woman, mother). (Her 2 sisters have put the same tattoo on their wrist.) Hadise also has an other tattoo on her right thigh.
- Website: www.hadise.be
The (life-) story:
It all started in 1972, after Hadise's parents established themselves in the Belgian country. 13 years later, after both of them had worked rapidly, Hadise joins our world. Would they ever have thought of which brio gave them living?
In her child time she took, outside her craze of horse riding, rapidly song lessons in a music school. "I still remember well that, on my 5th, I regulated stood in front of the kitchen door of glass, threw out my trousers and took my pullover down so that seemed as if I was wearing a mini skirt. With a brush in my hand I was already performing to myself. I was singing all the time, if I was in my bed, under the shower, in the car, everywhere."
When Hadise was 13, her father wanted to let her go to the German academy for an appropriate education. But this plan didn't continue because of family circumstances. When she graduated in 2003 of her studies, Economic and Modern Languages (in the KA (Koninklijk Atheneum) in Mol), she continued to study Marketing at the PHL (Provenciale Hogeschool Limburg, in Hasselt). She recently graduated of this in juni 2006.

In 2002 Hadise won the title of Miss Mol. (You can find some pictures in the 'Photograph Album'.) It has given her a lot of self-confidence.
But she realised that singing was her thing, so she put the modelwork on the sideline. She focused herself totally and refines her voice and with a mix of endless perseverance and some realism, she took part of Idols 2003. Regrets were big when she wasn't selected to the last 10. But how disappointed she was, she didn't do it for nothing... (Pictures in the 'Photograph Album')

In the beginning of august 2003 (3 months after her participation of Idols) she gets a call of Johan Hendrickx. The man is manager of the '2Brains Entertainment Group', worldly known as the management of for example Kate Ryan. He was very impressed of the performance and voice of Hadise during the Idols-period! They met to talk about Hadises interests in music and her future. Afer some conversations, at 6 august 2003, they had a deal!

Some time later, the first CD was born. A whole year was needed to produce a lot of pain and sweat, but the result is very amasing! Producer Yves Gaillard and Serge Ramaekers took care for the skilled accompaniment. The choice was a very personal musicstyle: Urban/Pop. It's not the classic R&B-music, it's a lot more. Here Hadise felt right at home.

The first single of the CD 'Sweat' was right a hitsingle! It was released at 1 november 2004. In the middle of the song we can here a rap of upcoming rapper Raw Jawz. There is no video clip of the song on perpose, to keep it just a little more mysterious. But for example Belgian TV sender JIMtv did play the song by showing a show of Hadise at the SIMS-awards.

The second song she released (at 6 May 2005), is called 'Stir Me Up'. This time Hadise wrote the lyrics together with Yves Jongen. For the production of the song a combination of 3 American producers was created: Leroy Cambers, D. Meezee and Mo Benjamin. They worked on this in their studios in France and the USA. Music sender TMF made of this hot video the Superclip. Hadise went to Skopje, Macedonië. A team of +-13 persons worked day and night on the 'special effects'. For Hadise this was her first video clip, but definatelly not her last one! It was an exhaustive but great experience!

At 2 september 2005 Hadise got her driving licence!

9 september 2005: Hadises third hitsingle is of today in all the music stores. 'Milk Chocolate Girl', based on true events, is recorded by Senol Korkmaz at Antwerp. During long breaks Hadise could really enjoy a peace of milk chocolate. Because of this she gained strength. But on 1 day she told her producer Yves Gaillard: "Chocolade is zo tasty. I couldn't live without it." With a smile Yves answered: "What is it with women and chocolate?"
The next day the lyrics for the song were created.

D-day: 3 november 2005: The debutalbum “Sweat” (named after her first hitsingle and all of the heavy work/sweat they'd put in the album) is in the Belgian stores! They could be proud on it: 13 of the 14 tracks are 100% own production. The CD is very variable. The ground is an urban R&B-style, but it also has influences of jazz, soul and funk, varied with oriental influences.
As bonus we get 'Sakin Gitme'. This is the song 'When ya Breathing On Me', translated in Turkish. Beautiful! Certainly a must-have CD!
13 january 2006: The fourth single 'Ain't No Love Lost' is released. This time not an up-tempo song, but a beautiful ballad… that by the way also was written by Yves Jongen. The 2nd track on the single (translated by Hadise herself!) is 'Burdayim'. This is the song 'Ain't No Love Lost' in Turkish, with a new jacket. (Producer Yves Gaillard did a beautiful job.) In the video we see the exclusive Thailand, where Hadise and crew lived a heavy week to record this one, but the results are breathtaking views!
9 february 2006. The condomrange Belgian Pop Line released their 3rd range. Foreign Belgian musicians where on the box of condoms. Also Hadise was with them. "In our culture a lot of negative thoughts go around about sex. I know that some people don't follow the Islam about the subject of sex, and they can make that choice. Everybody is free to do what they want to do. But if you have sex, do it safe!"

Also in the outside world a lot of arrangements are happening. Hadise created a lot of compilations in Polen, Turkey and Germany. But mostly Turkey (the land of birth of her parents) totally love this new talent. Hadise has already presented some shows and appeared in for example the Beyaz Show and Charity Show that was broadcasted live on Show TV. Also Turkish newspapers and magazines are filled with articles, interviews and photoshoots. During her appereance in Turkey the paparazzi didn't leave her a second. Everywhere people were waiting to see Hadise. Bodyguards are necessary, not a luxuary.

April 2006: The Turkish sender Star TV has asked Hadise to present the Turkish Idol. After some deliberation with her management they agreed. This is her debut as a TV presentatrice. The show, called 'Popstar Turkiye', every week has about 20 million viewers. Her manager Johan Hendrickx is in the jury. 10 weeks she's co-presentatrice AND like that she makes some advertisement, something the Turkish people really enjoy!

Hadise doesn't have plans to move to Turkey. She doesn't feel right at home there, and she would miss her city Mol.

1 may 2006. 1 of her wishes will come to real life: during the final of 'Miss Turkey' in Istanbul, she will perform together with her idol Tarkan (known from songs like "Simarik" (the "kiss kiss"-song)). This 4-hour during show is broadcasted LIVE at Star-Tv and can be followed from around the globe. Also the German RTL will be at that show to make a special about Hadise and Tarkan.

For her school PHL she has spoken, together with Steve Stevaert (gouvernor of Limburg (Belgian province)), a radio commercial. You can listen to the results at the Q-music website.

4 august 2006. Today her most recent single 'Bad Boy' (Radio Mix) is availably on single. Together with her producer Yves Gaillard she has mixed the song into something new. A lot of Oriental influences are mixed and the result is something really for Hadise! The video clip, recorded at the beach at Bredene, came alive after 3 long and heavy nights. The team Pimpz created an original and dared video.

Hadise has, together with her manager, decited not to accept the second script offer for a movie. After a long time of negociating they didn't pull it off because there is just not enough time. Also she would have to fly to Turkey and back every time. But you never know what the future brings...

At 14 oktober 2006 Hadise won her first TMF award! She was nominated for Best Urban National, together with Kaye Styles, Leki and Brahim. With a crushing score of 42,9% she took the award home. For Hadise, this was her second nomination. In 2005 she also was nominated, this time for Best New Artist, but unfortunatelly this one went to the female singer Katerine.

November 2006. Hadise quits at her record company 2 Brains, where she signed her first contract. 40 months long they have been working together, but because of mutual disagreements they decited to break this contract. A lot of other artists, like Kate Ryan, Eve Kempbell, Yves Jongen, ... followed her. Because of this a lot of problems were created, like for example for the release of the CD of Hadise called 'Sweat - Special Edition'. The proces is still running. I wish Hadise and the others a lot of support.

3 September 2007. Hadise makes a comeback with her brand new single 'A Good Kiss'! This song is filled with Turkish influences and is an other piece of art. On the CD single there are 3 songs. The remix version and the original version. Hadise and Yves Jongen, who wrote the lyrics, were not satisfied and the song did undergo some changes. The result is 'A Good Kiss, the Radio Edit Version', which you can hear on the radio.

13 October 2007: the yearly TMF Awards! Hadise was nominated for 1 award: 'Best Urban National'. And like last year she won and very happily she took this award home! Other nominated people in this category were Kaye Styles, Brahim and Lunaman. This is Hadises second TMF Award.
Hadise was wearing a beautiful dress, designed by the Dutch fashion artist Jan Taminiau.

4 February 2008: 'My Body', the second single of the new album, is launched into the Belgian stores. On the single you can also hear the Lotion Remix.

9 February 2008: The video for 'My Body' was recorded in a Belgian studio. The video, created by Senol Korkmaz (the producer who also did the 'Milk Chocolate Girl' video), has become an artistic piece of art with as themes lust, beauty and sexuality. It shows Hadise as a true star. She also works together with Eddie Morales (choreographer and dancer that has worked together with famous people such as Justin Timberlake, Missy Elliot and Mariah Carey), will be shown in de video as well.

In 2008 she is, together with Ronny Mosuse, appointed as Flemish ambassador of the Intercultural Dialogue 2008. Their jobs are to increase the conscience of importance and advantages of an intercultural dialogue.

5 June 2008: The single 'A Good Kiss' is translated by Sezen Aksu in Turkish and will be put today on the Turkish market. The song is called 'Deli Oğlan' and will be released by the Turkish mobile operator Turkcell.

6 June 2008: Hadises second album 'Hadise' will be in stores today! The long expecting album first got an other name ('On High Heels'...) but was changed in Hadises own name because this cd is her story. And 'Hadise' means 'story' in Turkish. Sometimes the solution is very near!
For this CD Hadise has worked a lot together with her loyal songwriter/producer Yves Jongen, but also with foreign (Italian, Turkish...) artists such as Stefaan Fernande, Elio Deepcore, Stano Simor, Luca Chiaravalli, Deniz Erten and Sezen Aksu.
Also on 6 June 2008 Hadises 7th single is released: 'My Man And The Devil On His Shoulder'. This song is about adultery. Men: watch out!

Currently Hadise is working together with the production team of TTT management, her producer/songwriter Yves Jongen and DJ Noise P.



#319 2009-01-24 21:28:24

Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 7,420

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

Прикольный ремикс появился ))) СУПЕР!!!


#320 2009-01-24 22:53:11

Зарегистрирован: 2008-02-28
Сообщений: 9,265

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

Ммм... Нормальный ремикс, но оригинал лучше.


#321 2009-01-25 17:43:43

Из Петрозаводска
Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 3,564

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

[quote EuroFestAZE] В 2003 г. Хадисе присоединилась к бельгийской "Фабрике звезд", состязанию "Idool".

"Idol" - это "Народный артист", а не "Фабрика Звёзд"

[quote EuroFestAZE] Date of birth : 22 October 1985. (Now: 22 years old.)

23 всё-таки smile)


#322 2009-01-25 21:38:28

Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 104

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

[quote EuroFestAZE]А вот и английская версия:

- Linguistic: Dutch, English, French, Turkish, German.

Для тех, кто плохо знает английский - Dutch is spoken in the Netherlands, but not in Belgium...



#323 2009-01-25 21:41:02

Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 104

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

P.S.: А вообще, у нее есть песни намного сильнее, чем ту которую она представила на ЕВ. Посмотрим, может у всех остальных кал в этом году навыбирается...



#324 2009-01-26 00:15:02

Зарегистрирован: 2009-01-25
Сообщений: 3

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

вообще, если честно, то я бы предпочла на Евровидении от Турции Ферах... Ведь она тоже была одной из главных претенденток. Но, конечно, выбор Хадисе правилен, хотябы потому что рок второй год подряд не попрёт, а арынби в сочетании с танцами живота будет интересен. Вообще полистав прошлое творчество этой бельгийки, я не восхитилась... как-то посредственно-сексуально, но с точки зрения качества неплохо. Песенка подготоленная на Евро неплохая, хитовая. И всё это ИМХО smile



#325 2009-01-26 09:45:52

Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 37,723

Re: Турция на Евровидении 2009

Хадисе продолжает тур по турецким передачам


Подвал доски