#1 2003-05-21 22:24:04

Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 3,520

Re: Что должны сделать Тату...

...чтобы Россию исключили из EBU или по крайней дисквалифицировали на следующй год? ;-)

Есть такая вероятность?


#2 2003-05-21 16:07:38

Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 113

Re: Что должны сделать Тату...

Ну, шанс оказаться дисквалифицированными всегда есть. И я думаю, ТАТУ могут пойти на это в случае неблагоприятно складывающейся для них ситуации. Не будем забывать, что ESC - прямой эфир и мало ли что они там могут устроить.
Конечно, возможен и другой вариант. Россия может и сама отказаться от участия в ESC в дальнейшем - типа, ваш конкурс нам не нужен, потому что мы круче вас - "нас слушает вся Европа".
Что касается ТАТУ, то их результат уже в воскресенье будет комментироваться таким образом:
если они победят (:)), то все заслуги припишут себе и выставят себя еще большими супер-звездами;
если они не выиграют, то обвинят всех и вся (чисто русский менталитет) - звук был плохой, свет не такой, декорации фиговые и т.д. Причины найдут.
Ну а на счет их скандалов, то детский психиатр Шаповалов, думаю, по этой части - мастер.


#3 2003-05-21 20:05:17

Зарегистрирован: 2006-05-04
Сообщений: 37,723

Re: Что должны сделать Тату...

Дам большую цитату

1. Disqualification of a song
A song may be disqualified:
(a) if during the rehearsal week there is evidence that an artist, a member of the
delegation or a spokesperson has not complied with the requests of the producing
organization and/or the Scrutineer and may therefore cause disturbance to the
(b) if the artist(s) depart(s) from the planned performance as rehearsed at the final
rehearsal, and thereby cause(s) disturbance to the programme;
(c) if a participating organization/artist has in any way attempted to breach the present
Rules at any stage of the preparation of the Contest, or is about to do so during the
Contest Final itself.
The decision to enact disqualification is taken by the Scrutineer after consultation with the
executive producer and at least three members of the Reference Group.

If the disqualification of a song is decided upon before the deadline for sending all
material (see Article IX.2 above), the participant shall be entitled to propose another
song and to submit all related material by the deadline specified above.
  If disqualification of a song is decided upon after the deadline mentioned above but
before the day of the Contest Final, the participant concerned shall not present its entry
and shall not be able to vote, but shall remain liable for its financial contribution.
EBU/UER SPG 02-12058
However, time permitting, the participant shall have the right to appeal against the
decision to the Chairman of the Television Committee and, if he cannot be reached, to
the Secretary General of the EBU.
Any decision taken in accordance with the above-mentioned procedure shall be final, and
no legal remedy shall be possible.
2. Sanctions against participants.
Sanctions may be imposed upon a participant, if it:
(a) does not comply with the present Rules; or
(b) withdraws from the 2003 Contest later than 31 October 2002; or
(c) does not broadcast the Contest Final in accordance with Article XVII; or
(d) inserts advertising items or sponsorship messages during the broadcast, except in the
sections of the programme allowing for commercial breaks as expressed in
Article XVII and in accordance with Article XVIII;
(e) is one of the last five countries to announce its vote and does not submit a fax of its
results in accordance with the Rules;
(f) fails to make its best endeavours, in the view of the Reference Group, to promote the
Contest Final on its territory.
Any sanctions shall be pronounced by the Television Committee, following a proposal by
the Reference Group. Sanctions shall be proportionate to the damage or prejudice caused
to the EBU, the producing organization and/or the reputation of the Contest, shall have a
deterrent effect, and may amount to the exclusion from one or more of the following
Any decision taken in accordance with the above-mentioned procedure shall be final, and
no legal remedy shall be possible.


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