#2 Re: Euromania Fan Contest » Happy birthday, Kriemhild :=) » 2008-08-01 10:34:28

Danke, thank you all very much for greetings!!!

I will left the company I and Alex are working in - so I think it is my last Euromania sad

And thank you again for the great feeling you gave to me all the time, for good songs.

Without Euromania I would have no chance to find/hear these music from all over the Europe.

Forever united with Euromania smile Sorry for my english again

#4 Re: Euromania Fan Contest » 5th Euromania Fan Contest - ФИНАЛ » 2007-12-24 13:49:54

Hi all godfathers,

first of all, I would like to thank all of you for the great contest, great songs und great feeling.

With you all I can feel me younger and nicer smile Euromania is my all, i really like this contest and without this I can not live anymore, you all make my life brighter and greater. So many new songs - it is sooooo cool.

Also I would like to thank all of you for the points you gave to my song and to Jonatan. It was a very big risk to nominate him, but I'm so happy about his (and mine!!!) second place! THANKS!!!!

Please keep this contest alive, friends!

Your big german friend Kriemhild

P.S. I forgotten my log in, so I have new account now. Sorry for my english! I'm old woman and it's allowed for me smile

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